Day 11: All of the way home

No pictures today.  Today was a travel day.  We awoke in our airBnB in Oxnard (Channel Island), followed Highway 1 along the coast through Malibu, into Santa Monica, into the awful LA freeway traffic and traded our rental car for a rental car airport van to LAX.  All pretty easy and uneventful.

I know that some of you won't be surprised.  We arrived at LAX even before the Sun Country ticket desk was even open.  And we weren't the first ones there, two other couples were also waiting.  It is not because of a master plan to arrive this early but with a late (5:30PM) flight and no plans for anything else to do, it just happened.

Bev got to go through airport security twice.  The first time through, a tube of gel inadvertently got packed in a carry on.  So Bev was able to go back out, go to the ticket counter and check the carry on and return to go through security a second time.  There wasn't a line in either place so it was pretty quick.

We both feel that it was a successful ten day road trip with all major milestones reached.  The highlight for me, obviously, was driving the entire Big Sur on the Pacific Coast Highway in both directions.  And staying next to the ocean was great as well.

We had ten overnights and zero chains.  Each property was an individual or boutique and we were very pleased with every one.  We did two airBnBs (our first ones) and both worked out very well.  Five of the nights were pre-planned and the other five were selected on the fly either the day of or the night before.  This worked in April.  It wouldn't work in the summer.

We also had zero meals in chain restaurants again choosing individual establishments.

The weather was great.  In keeping with recent California history, we didn't see a single drop of rain.  That was happy for us but not good for California.  The start of the trip was warm (low 70s days and low 60s nights).  The last couple of days cooled off to low 60s days and low 50s (actually 48 on Tuesday morning) nights.

So the travel blog is going dormant for awhile until the next adventure strikes.  Thanks for following along.


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