Tuesday, September 17: La Padrera, Picasso Museum, 4 Cats

I rest in the hotel this morning while the group takes a walking tour of La Padrera, locally known as "the Quarry", another Gaudi building with no straight lines.  The steps on the rooftop would have been challenging for me.
Lunch today is on our own.  I meet our group at the very nice 1881 Sagardi restaurant on the roof of Museu d'Historia de Catalunya
having sweeping views of the Barcelona city

and waterfront.
The restaurant is wonderful,
we have a wonderful waiter and dine on many specialties.
This afternoon is the Museu de Picasso.
I treat you to only a few of the many Picassos.
We even catch Pablo looking in a window at us.
Back at the hotel we are treated to a discussion about life in Catalonia with a Monique and Natalia, a mother and daughter.  It was very interesting.

Our farewell to Barcelona tonight is at the famous 4Cats restaurant
It is a beautiful building with replicas of Picasso paintings on the walls.
We dine well.  Potato soup.
 Duck confit.
 We close out the evening and Barcelona with a look of Barcelona at night from the hotel rooftop.
Addios Barcelona.


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