
Showing posts from September, 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018: Home

Here are a few interesting details from the Pulitzer Hotel.  Wall shelves ... telephone ... notepad with coloring pencils ... bicycle repair kit ... and, of course, directions to local attractions ... , this is Amsterdam after all. A last food picture ... French toast for breakfast. Amsterdam has amazing airport security screening.  Remember having to take electronics and cameras out of your carry-on luggage for screening.  Not here.  Not now.  They have a "new machine".  It all stays in:  laptop computer, iPad, iPhone, Nikon DSLR camera with big lens, Sony camera, many charging cords and cables.  It all stays in the bag.  And the bag passed easily.  And, yes, I do travel with all of that stuff.  How else do you think that I do this blog? Our flight home went smoothly. And speaking of this blog, unfortunately the Bauer travel blog is going dark again waiting for the next trip opportunity.  Thanks for coming along. Goodnight.